125th Anniversary Vestment Appeal

Our beautiful vestments that are worn by the priest and the hangings that adorn the altar and chancel are in bad condition—some beyond repair—and need to be replaced. In addition, what we are using is a mixture of vestments we brought from Richmond Hill and those we inherited from St. Matthew’s, so that nothing really matches.

In celebration of the 125th Anniversary of All Saints Church in 2022, we are promoting an appeal to purchase new complete sets in white, green, violet, and red. Each set would include a frontal for the high altar, hangings for the pulpit and lectern, a bourse and veil for the chalice, a chasuble and stole. Each set will cost between $8,000 - $10,000 but they will be an investment for All Saints Church that will last for the next fifty years or more. A handmade white set is currently being made to be completed in time for our 125th Anniversary Celebration in November 2022. Sets in the other colors would be purchased over the next 3-5 years. You can make a donation to the Altar Guild toward the purchase of new vestments in memory of a loved one, to celebrate a milestone life event, or simply to thank God for his blessings. Please complete the form below to make a donation.

Please complete the form below to submit your reequest.


If you have already notified Rowena Chester about your request, please proceed directly to the payment window. Click the button below.